MUSLAB 2016 International Festival of Electroacoustic Music

Camin-Art Cultural Association and MUSLAB Ensemble invite composers of electroacoustic music, sound artists and visual artists to participate in the Muestra Internacional de Música Electroacústica MUSLAB 2016. (International Festival of Electroacoustic Music - MUSLAB 2016).

This exhibition will take place at different locations in soon to be announced countries, between the months of October and December of 2016. The International Electroacoustic Music Exposition MUSLAB 2016 is a project which main objective is to help recovering public spaces and promote social interaction and peaceful coexistence through artistic interventions as electroacoustic music and video projection on buildings (Video Mapping).

This exhibition is complemented with certain workshops aimed to new technologies and their applications in art, and they're open to students and artists interested in working with sound and image. This workshops will be adapted to the needs of each community where the exhibition is presented.

The event would be broadcasted by some radio locations in which MUSLAB would take place. Stay tunned for more information!


Calendar 2016

International Festival of Electroacustic Music




23 de October 13:00 Sala Miguel Angel Granados Chapa UAM Xochimilco

Muslab - Enlarge your Sax
master class and educational concert UAM -X
Pedro Bittencourt
Brazilian saxophonist specialist in contemporary repertoire for saxophone and new technologies.
didactic lecture and concert of electroacoustic music pieces for saxophone, electronics and tape multiphonic
Auditorio Miguel Angel granados Chapa de la UAM Xochimilco, 

Calzada del Hueso 1100, Col. Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán,



Henrik Denerin (Sued)- Arteria
Rocio Cano Valiño (Argentina) El Sendero hacia lo profundo
Ching Nam Cheng ( Hong kong) – Time and Earth
Marco Barbieris (Italy) – Q- verch
Mastora Goya ( japan) The Great Ruler
Hans Martin (Canada) Poïèse
Jean Claude Riset - (France) Saxatile Homenaje a los 70 años de Ianis Xenakis)
Manuel Rocha - (Mexico) Light and Dust
Sandra Elizabeth Gonzales ( Argentina) Espacio imaginario


October :


3 October 18 hrs IMER Instituto Mexicano de la Radio
Mayorazgo 83, Col. Xoco, Delegación Benito Juárez, C.P. 03330, Ciudad de México
Teléfono 01 (55) 5628 1700

Concierto con  Pedro Bittencourt, Saxofonista Brasileño excepcional Doctor por la universidad Paris 8 y se presentara una selección de 5 de Acousmatic Works. El concierto será presentado en un formato de bóveda sonora multicanal, con sonido envolvente.
Cabe mencionar que en su primer año de presentación MUSLAB realizo en el IMER la primera  transmisión en audio biaural por radio.

Los Participantes:

Interprete: Pedro Bittencourt


Mario Mary (Argentina). Sal  Para Sonidos electrónicos
Manuel Rocha Iturbide ( Light and Dust)
Liao Liny  (Taiwan) Le tran de la vie
Pedro Lara (Mexico) Delphinou 
Pierre Luc Lecours_ (France) Pulse Iteration II
Kari Väkevä ( Finlandia) Void I


5 October 19:30 Radio UNAM

Adolfo Prieto No. 133 Colonia del Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, 
C.P. 03100, México D.F.

Piezas de Acousmatic Works video arte con sonido envolvente en 5.1

3) Los Participantes:


Joao Pedro Oliveira (Portugal)  - Aphar
Damian Rudelrey  (Argentina)  Cefiro  
Antonio Mazotti  (Italy)
Lucas Martshall Smith (USA) – Rati
Alejandro Brizna / Jessica Rodríguez / Manuel Zirate - Esporas
Irene Sofia Radulovich (Argentina)  Las Campanas Perturban el Sueño
Sangwon lee (Korea del sur) Rollyphony
Francisco Morales (México), Movimiento Aparente
Guillermo Eisner  (Uruguay) Al Agua



14, October France CESARE
Césaré - National Center Creation Music Reims

32 Rue Alain Colas, 51450 Bétheny, France
+33 3 26 88 65 74

Acousmatic Works.


Erick Ruiz Arellano (México) Güi Là
Daniel Judokovski (Argentina) El exilio infinito
Pedro Castillo (México) Flujos dinámicos
Néstor Ciravolo (Argentina)  Gerardus, el gran Dini
Hector Ulises Vera (México) Se evapora, quiebra. Tu existencia.
Mauricio Meza (México)  Colapsos inminentes
Edmar Soria (México)  Entalpía 


Buenos Aires Argentina.
29 de October  de 20:00 a 24:00 pm
Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Abadia
C1426CTJ, Gorostiaga 1908, C1426CTJ CABA, Argentina

Simonluca Laitempergher (Italy)- Otkaz
Eduardo Palacio Guerrero (México)  Atajo azul
Ariannys Marino –(Cuba) Rico
Stavros Sakellariou-  In motion
Rafael Quezada Cruces (México) Sobre Los versos de Jania
Gael Tissot (France) le temps d’un rivage
José Juan García Soto (México)  El Viaje de Iamar
James O’Callaghan  (Canada) Isomorphic 
November :

3 de November Londres  UK of Chealse
16 John Islip St, London SW1P 4JU, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7514 7751

Damian Lintell-Smith (UK) Glitch in e minor
Omar Percha (UK)  You Can Run
Kyle Stewart (UK)  Bloom
Jon Tarry Dark (UK) Mirror White Noise
Aaron Cassidy (UK) The wreck of former boundaries
Steven Tunnicliffe (UK)  Phases
Ilia Rogatchevski (UK) Klopfgeist Minuet
 Jeevan Rai (UK) E/x-plot

5 de November Universidad Federal de  Rio de janeiro
Rua do Passeio, 98, Lapa - Rio de Janeiro – RJ. Brasil CEP: 20.021-290


Henrik Denerin ( Suecia)  Arteria
Takashi Miyamoto (japon) Umo
Damian O'Riain (Irlanda) Configurational Energy Landscape No.9
Sangwon Lee ( Korea del Sur)  Rollyphony
Dan Kubo (japon)  Dissolve
HughLynch (Irlanda) Mirror In February
Georgios Varotus (Canada) Reflection
Ratto Damian ( Argentina) Nollendorfplatz in the dark


19 de November Coventry University
Coventry University
Priory Street
Coventry, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7765 7688

Mario MARY ( Argentina) Sal
Ching Nam Cheng (Hong kong) Time and Earth
Sandra Elizabeth González ( Argentina)  Espacio imaginario
Elie Gregory (UK)  Eurocentrism
Ricardo Duran Barney (Mexico)  Ecoica
Zael Ortega Pérez (Mexico) Oídos de Acero
Damian Jorge Ratto ( Argentina)  Nollendorfplatz in the dark.



1 de December 
selección del Centre


Philippe Le Goff    ( France) Sotto Voce XIII     
Hervé Birolini ( France)    Lock Reconstruction 2010         
Philippe Le Goff ( France)     Untitled #1
Laurent Durupt ( France)     Audio portrait
Tiziana Bertoncini  ( Italy)    Nur Sand
Philippe Le Goff ( France)      Sotto II
Christian Sebille ( France)    La Pierre de New-York  
Laurent Durupt ( France)    Audio portrait
Philippe Le Goff ( France)       Sotto voce IV
Hervé Birolini  ( France)    Four Signs
Philippe Le Goff  ( France)    Sotto Voce VII




2 de December Fonoteca Nacional
Address: Avenida Francisco Sosa 383, Coyoacan, Santa Catarina, 04010 Ciudad de México, D.F.
Phone: 01 55 4155 0950

Philippe Le Goff    ( France) Désordre
Frederic Bizalion ( France)     Exo-térisme 2
Jorge David Ortiz Trejo ( Mexico) Disgression No. 2
Gerardo De Pasquale ( Italy) Sguardo Sospeso, Transizione
Philippe Le Goff   ( France)       Timequake
Eric Honour (USA) Murmurations on Palestrina.
Fernando Laub (Austria –Argentina)  Universos
Nicolás Rodríguez (México) El Viento Será Eterno
Jorge  Sad ( Argentina) mi casa es la lluvia



Call For Works

Electroacustic Music

Asociación Camin-Art and MUSLAB Ensemble invite composers of electroacoustic music, sound artists and visual artists to participate in the International Festival of Electroacustic Music MUSLAB 2016.



Training workshops and access to specialized education for use of new technologies. Treatment techniques audio and video. Recording to promote the development of information and communication.


Free outdoor shows, in a format sound vault of 8/16 channels where compositions of electroacoustic music and video projection will be exhibited.


Upcoming Events