About us:
MUSLAB 2016 International Festival of Electroacustic Music
MUSLAB is an assembly with variable geometry generated by the cultural association CAMIN-ART. It consists of outstanding artists from around the world, Directed by Pedro Castillo Lara, this ensemble presents various cultural and sound art projects.
Our mission is to promote and disseminate contemporary artistic creation, generate access to specialized music education and new technologies, and encourage, through art, respect for the diversity of cultural expressions, and promote the values of coexistence.
Among our achievements are the expert use of new technologies, techniques, and composition, as well as the use of public spaces and the roads to introduce the public to a transformed environment and allowing the development of new scenic possibilities.
Since 2004, the Camin-Art and MUSLAB association have developed artistic activities in Europe and Latin America, and gave courses at various institutions of higher education across the Atlantic. It's music ranges different instrumental groups and electronic media.
- direccion@muslab.org