Art Against Global System
The Art of Healing
International Festival of Electroacoustic Music, Video Art and Image
Transforming the world through art
MUSLAB, with more than a decade of history, is an international audiovisual festival that celebrates electroacoustic music, video art and image as contemporary avant-garde expressions. It has been a meeting point for artists from five continents, bringing their works to stages and spaces specialized in contemporary art around the world.
In 2025, MUSLAB presents its call for MANTRA: The Art of Healing, an open invitation to artists from any country, age and audiovisual genre to participate with sound, audiovisual or visual works that explore the transformative power of art in healing and regenerating the world.
MANTRA Concept
A “mantra” is more than a set of sounds. It is a vibration that, through its perseverance and repetition, generates an expansive resonance capable of transforming both people and the environment in a positive way. At MUSLAB, sound is the core of this resonance, complemented by its visual representation to generate experiences that inspire and connect.
Art as Medicine for a World in Crisis
A “Mantra” It is a set of sounds that when generated cause a vibration that, when persisted and repeated, has a reverberation that becomes an expansive resonance with the ability to transform both individuals and the environment in a positive sense.
The axis of MUSLAB is sound.
A “Mantra” It is a sound mode associated with its visual representation.
We were born and raised in a changing world, we have witnessed a great number of technological, scientific and social advances, but we have also witnessed a great number of problems, symptoms that we suffer both as individuals and collectives, as biological and social ecosystems. Both at local and global levels.
Making a list of problems and talking about what worries us as humanity and as a planet is necessary and in fact is done constantly. But it is also necessary to look for alternatives beyond denouncing the problems, we must look for solutions to them.
In this sense we can conceive that the evils that affect our planet, ecosystems and social groups form a global crisis which manifests itself through many symptoms. And if we associate the negative symptoms with the concept of illness, then it is necessary to find the appropriate medicines to remedy the illness.
In terms of the concept of “evolution”, mutations are transformations necessary for life to adapt to a changing environment and perpetuate itself, to survive. Modern society has reversed the roles, pretending to transform the environment so that it adapts to us. Many of the results are not necessarily good, they are even disastrous. We suffer from many direct and secondary effects both in biological and social ecosystems.
The set of problems form a large complex problem that is a global crisis.
In the MANTRA The Art of Healing project we propose the production and proposal of art as a healing way to solve problems.
The works created for MANTRA MUSLAB 2025 are inspired by and based on the healing power potential of a “Mantra” aimed at healing for a transformation and regeneration of the world and of ourselves in favor of positive values such as health, respect, equality, balance, peace and many other related values.
Art is a very powerful instrument that has many capabilities, from being a witnessof history and create a memory of it until it can be transformed, functioning as a mutant element that transforms the environment, society and its individuals. We believe in the capacity of art as a generator of consciousness.
In MANTRA: The Art of Healing, we conceive art as a powerful healing instrument. We believe that artistic expressions have the capacity to:
Testify the problems of the world.
Raise awareness about our realities.
Propose transformative solutions that restore balance and promote values such as health, respect, equality and peace.
A Call for Transformation
The call invites artists to be inspired by the healing power of a mantra to create works that:
Promote individual healing and collective.
Contribute to the regeneration of our environment and society.
Encourage a transformation towards a more balanced and conscious world.
Global Exhibition
The selected works will be presented in spaces specialized in contemporary art in different parts of the world, bringing the message of MANTRA: The Art of Healing to an international audience.
Join the Movement
Be part of this global initiative that uses art as a catalyst for change. Your work can be the beginning of an expansive resonance that inspires and transforms.
• MUSLAB Call for Works 2025:
Composers and visual artists of any age, gender or nationality are invited to participate by submitting their electroacoustic music or video-art works to the MUSLAB 2025 International Electroacoustic Music Festival. Guidelines:
• Reception of works: Until May 1, 2025.
• The duration of the works will be free.
• Only one work will be admitted for each category defined by composer. • The works must be signed by the author(s) (pseudonyms are not allowed).
• All works, including those that have previously been presented in competitions and concerts, are eligible to participate, if accompanied by a letter of consent for their presentation.
• The author assumes responsibility for having the rights to present and publish the work that he submits to this exhibition. • There is no registration fee..
• Category A (audio only): open to stereo self-contained electroacoustic music (tape music) compositions. Number of channels allowed: stereo, 4.0, 5.1 8.0
• Category B (audio and video): open to autonomous electroacoustic musical compositions, With Video only one movement regardless of duration. Number of channels allowed: stereo, 4.0, 5.1 8.0
Number of channels allowed: stereo, 4.0, 5.1 8.0
Allowed formats: .aif, .wav, .mov, .mp4
• Category C (visual works.): open tovisual works compositions, 70 x 90 CM 300 dpi.
You must register by filling out the form located at the end of the page and attach the following documents in a single zip to the download link:
1. A good resolution photograph.
2. Signed consent letter in the registration form letter of consent. (Dawnload here)
3. Your piece in full version. WAV or AIFF for Audio MP4 for video 1080p (HD): 1920 × 1080..
4. A copy of the piece in .mp3 format
5. Pieces in multiphonic formats that wish to participate in the CD production selection must also submit a stereo version in WAV or AIFF format.
If the documentation is not complete it will not be taken into account.
IMPORTANT: Do not use storage servers that delete sent files after a certain time (for example, Wetransfer NO).
Your files must be available at all times and until the date of publication of the results. Some options are: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive. On the selection of works.
MUSLAB extends an invitation to renowned composers and musicologists, all with extensive experience in electroacoustic music, to form a Selection Committee that will review the quality of sound and visual works to be submitted. p>
• The selected works may be presented and broadcast in public.
• By participating with his work in MUSLAB, the composer grants his consent, rights and authorization to reproduce, spread and transmit his work by all the means used by the festival, in concerts, activities and broadcasts of radio or activities developed by MUSLAB. exempting MUSLAB from any payment or liability with copyright associations or entities.
• All works recorded with a record company must have a letter stating this fact, as well as the permission of the record label so that they can be transmitted and published within the International Exhibition of Electroacoustic Music, MUSLAB.
• If the author decides to participate in the selection for the production of a CD-DVD, in co-production which will be sent to different sound libraries and libraries in different countries and will be available for sale, he must mark the consent section to record your work in the edition of this CD-DVD. The composer retains the copyright but authorizes the recording and dissemination of his work by MUSLAB.
• Audio recordings submitted to the contest will not be returned to the composers and will remain in the MUSLAB files for safekeeping. • The Selection Committee may decide not to include a work in the sample or change the program.
• The MUSLAB International Electroacoustic Music Festival is not a contest; It is an opportunity to promote sound art and form part of a dissemination and support network for contemporary sound creation, which gives access to spaces for the representation and dissemination of sound art, as well as access to training that seeks to make tools that facilitate the integration of the participants to the labor market through the use of new technologies and an artistic contribution to strengthen social coexistence.
• All participants will be notified when their work is received and once it has been selected.
• The publication of the selected works will be announced starting June 1, 2025. And it will be extensive depending on the places and possibilities of representation.