ABOUT US: MUSLAB - 2015 Muestra Internacional de Música Electroacústica

  • MUSLAB is a variable geometry Ensemble, generated by the cultural association CAMIN-ART based in Mexico City, Paris, and Geneva. It is formed by specialized artists from different parts of the world, MUSLAB is directed Pedro Castillo Lara this ensemble, presents various cultural projects of contemporary sound art, their mission is to promote and disseminate contemporary artistic creation, generate access to specialized education music and new technologies as well as promoting art through respect for diversity of cultural expressions and values of coexistence.

  • Among our achievements are the expert use of new technologies to track the movement and sound, introducing the public in an environment that is changing and developing new scenic possibilities.

  • Since 2004, Camin-Art association and MUSLAB ENSEMBLE, have developed artistic activities in In Europe and Latin America and taught at diverse institutions of higher education across the Atlantic. His Repertory includes various instrumental ensembles and electronic media.  

Call for Works

Electroacustic Muisc

Asociación Camin-Art y Ensamble MUSLAB Invitan a compositores de música electroacústica artistas sonoros participar en la Muestra Internacional de Música Electroacústica MUSLAB 2015.


Call for works

Electroacustic Muisc & Video

Asociación Camin-Art y Ensamble MUSLAB Invitan a compositores de música electroacústica artistas sonoros y visuales a participar en la Muestra Internacional de Música Electroacústica MUSLAB 2015


Cursos / Workshops

talleres de formacion y acseso a educacion especializada para aprovechamiento de nuevas tecnologias. técnicas de tratamiento de audio, video y grabación para impulsar el desarrollo de informacion y comunicación.

Conciertos / Concerts

Espectáculos gratuitos, al aire libre, en un formato de bóveda sonora de 16 canales donde se exhibirán composiciones de música electroacústica y video-proyección


Recent Works