Vision of the future
MUSLAB celebrates 10 years of activity with the project.
In the AFTER project, artists and researchers from different countries around the world will create artworks and concepts to predict the future.
In the AFTER project, artists and researchers from different countries around the world will create artworks and concepts to predict the future.
AFTER is a project in which participants work and create artworks and concepts as a vision of the future of the Global Planetary Scene. Art is used as an oracle that sees the coming 22nd century and beyond from our contemporary position.
What will be the situation of society, ecology and other aspects of planet Earth in the 22nd century?
How can we act before the crisis occurs?
It is necessary to raise awareness before catastrophic consequences appear. The most important aspect of the AFTER project is to develop new visions and ideas, proposals to create alternatives to build together a better world and better relationships within society and with nature. We and the planet are the same complex system, the same thing. We need to act as a united whole.
Time is a constant flow like a river that is transforming all things all the time. The universe, nature, matter and life are transforming at all times.
We are at a specific point in this river, here and now, flowing guided by the current from the past to the future. The river is a chain of causes and their impacts. If we understand the causes, we can understand the impact, as a sense of the river. In the end, the river flows to the sea. In the same way, we can understand the complex system of life as a seed; if we know that seed, we know the three that will grow and we can predict the future fruits of those three. Looking at reality, we can understand the future as the possibility of the line of least resistance through time.
If we look at the river from the sky, we can see the spring in the mountain where the water was born, we can look at it from another side, the waterfalls and lakes, and finally the sea, the whole river in a complete view. Our lives and our society are part of the river, the causes and results of our acts are part of the flowing current. All history is present at the same time, but only if we have a broad and deep vision to understand the whole river in a complete picture. In this way we can say that the whole history of the universe from the beginning to infinity is there complete at the same time. Obviously this vision is not that time is just a line where we are always situated only at a specific point. But for example, we know that the light we see from the stars is not the stars, it is just the light passing through space-time, but we can observe the stars. The past is written in the present and the future of the stars is within our eyes. Of course, if we can observe the whole river of the history of time we need a distant and clear point of view.
Throughout human history, from prehistoric times to contemporary global society, we try to predict and plan what will happen,
Name /Nombre | Name /Nombre | Name /Nombre | Name /Nombre |
Akari Komura | Daria Baiocchi | Jorge Martínez Valderrama | Paul Oehlers |
Alejandra Borea | Dariusz Mazurowski | Jorge Medina Martínez MIDI | pipe | Peter Vukmirovic Stevens |
Alejandro Casales | David Snow | Jorge Vicario | Petr Safronov |
Alon Nechushtan | Diego Ratto | José Gonzalo Cianca Moncayo | PHILIPPE Johann |
Álvaro Martín | Domenico De Simone | Juan Carlos Cáceres Avitia | Rafael de Rioja |
Andersen VIANA | Eduardo GILIO | Juan María Solare | Raúl Peña |
Andrea Laudante | Eduardo Loría Lazcano | Julio Fernando Torres Luna | rd wraggett |
Andreja Andric | Eduardo Palacio | Jung Hyun Lee | Ricardo de Armas |
Andrew Watts | Edwin David Betancourth | Kaleb Rhea | Ricardo Duran Barney |
ANGELES HERRERA BUSTE | Egid Joechl | Kangyi Zhang | Robert Strobel |
Antonella Bianco | Einike Leppik | Kramer Elwell | Roberto Mangano |
Antonio Forastiero | Elliot Hernández | Kyong Mee Choi | Rodrigo Pascale |
Antonio Russek | Estene Cheong | Languillat Raphaël | Roy Guzmán |
APT LAB | Estusha Grinberg | Leah Reid | Santiago Laporta |
Arnau Brichs | Francesco Santagata | Loïc Guerineau | Scott Sherk |
Arshan Najafi | François Buffet | Luciano Retamar Albrizio | Sebastian Ernesto PAFUNDO |
Arthur Gottschalk | FREDERICO PESSOA | LUIGI MORLEO | Serge Bulat |
Berk Yagli | Gabriel Araújo | Magnien Leo | Sergey Khismatov |
Binod Dawadi | Gabriel José Bolaños Cha | Mario MARY | Simona Dichio |
Blas Payri | Gabriele Boccio | Martin Bédard | Smee Wong |
Bories Benoit | Gaetan Parseihian | Masafumi Oda | Soheil Shirangi |
Borrel Stéphane | Gardika Gigih Gigih | mat ward | Stefano Scarani |
Bracha Bdil | Giovanni Arroyo | Matías Padellaro | Steven Webb |
Bradley Robin | Giuseppe de Benedittis | Mauro Diciocia | Susan Brewster |
Cameron Naylor | Graham Harris | Melissa Hyatt Foss | Taana Rose |
CAROLE CHARGUERON | Gustavo Chab | Milo Tamez | Valeria Cipriano |
Chad Eby | Harry Mason | Nathan Corder | Vincenzo Procino |
Chen Wang | Héctor Ulises Vera | Nick Virzi | Wenbin Lyu |
Chin Ting Chan | Henrique Vaz | Nigel Sanders | William Price |
Clemens von Reusner | Hery Kristian Buana Tanju | Noel Molloy | WIlliam Raynovich |
Dallas Herndon | Joao Pedro Oliveira | Owen Ho | Willyn Whiting |
Damian Gorandi | Johannes Christopher Ger | Pablo Magne | Yong Tan |
Daniel Campoverde | Jonatan de Jesús Carrasc | Pak Hei Leung | Zielinska Lidia |
Daniel Mayer | Jonathan David Corzo Gar | Paolo Montella | Zuriñe F Gerenabarrena |
Daniela Prost | Jorge Antunes | Paul Devens |
The exhibition "AFTER" is on tour in various venues, both national and international, including cultural centers, art galleries, educational institutions and music festivals. This itinerary has enabled a wide audience to access a fascinating display of diversity and creativity in electroacoustic, photographic and video art creation. These venues play a crucial role in the dissemination and appreciation of contemporary art, providing a space for intercultural dialogue and the exchange of ideas between artists and audiences of diverse origins. Furthermore, the exhibition has enriched the cultural scene in each locality where it has been presented, promoting exploration and experimentation in the field of sound, electronic music, photography and video art.
From an exhibition perspective, "AFTER" is distinguished by proposing art as an instrument to penetrate time. As memory, inheritance of the past, as a contemporary expression of the present and as a vision to see the future. Art can often predict the future. Art is an antenna and can receive signals from the future and understand it. Leonardo da Vinci thought of flying machines like the helicopter, Jules Verne referred to the submarine centuries before they were invented. Today we can fly and submarines exist.
2520 works received in its ten editions. Artists: 1200 composers of all ages, from 46 countries around the world scheduled between 2014 and 2023. Concerts: 121 concerts in 10 different countries. Countries: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Spain, Portugal, England and France. 20 different cities: Mexico City, Ciudad Juarez, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Nayarit, Buenos Aires, Cordova, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Juis du Fora, Guayaquil, London, Coventry, Chelsea, Reims, Rennes, Nice, Madrid, Lisbon, Seia. Public: More than 20,000 people of direct public. 32 Participating Institutions.
1200 p>
MUSLAB offers a variety of training opportunities, including courses, workshops, and diplomas led by international experts in audio, production, and sound art. These programs introduce new technologies for applications across music, theater, dance, visual arts, advertising, and more, targeting students from regional conservatories and art schools as well as the public. Our curriculum spans from foundational knowledge of new technologies to advanced courses in multimedia composition and technological development. Public Space Revitalization for Peaceful Coexistence Through conferences, exchanges, lectures, and presentations, MUSLAB promotes sound art and scientific knowledge, fostering an international network for artistic exchange and information sharing.
Personalized written and multimedia support, courses and advice with experienced teachers and speakers with various international recognitions, work groups, discussion rooms and more.
Personalized advice with teachers and speakers who are specialists in their field with internationally recognized careers
I promote talent and creativity as a dynamic process, a living and changing force of the human being; that is, it is the engine of personal development and the basis of the progress of all culture.
Access to multimedia material to consult at any time with exercises, advice and methodologies that will help you develop in your field..
Directed to musicians, groups, DJs, MCs, future producers, public interested in having an introduction to the management and operation of different computer applications, and technologies applied to sound treatment and self-production from 15 to 85 years
Creation of electroacoustic works, multichannel sound art, fixed time, deferred time, spatialization of sound, creation of multimedia applications.